Personal Licence Courses for the Hospitality Industry

Earn An Extra Half Million Pounds In Beer Costs Over The Next 10 Years

save half a million pounds in beer

How much beer are you wasting in your drip trays?
How many drip trays are you using?
What’s their capacity in pints?

Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • A 15 cm square drip tray holds 1.75 pints.
  • A 9 cm square drip tray holds 0.75 pints.

That averages out to 1.25 pints per drip tray.

Now, if you’re tossing out beer from just two full drip trays each day, that’s 2.5 pints wasted daily. Over a year, that adds up to 912.5 pints.

With beer priced at an average of £5.17 per pint, you’re looking at a loss of £47,176 annually!

Over a decade, that’s almost £500,000, literally down the drain.

The fix? Train your staff to avoid spilling beer into the drip trays immediately!

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