Personal Licence Courses for the Hospitality Industry

Training for Employees of Responsible Authorities

If you are a professional working within a local authority such as:


  • Local Authority (Licensing Officers)
  • Police Licensing Officers
  • Licensing Solicitors
  • Licensing Brokers
  • Fire Service

then Inn-Dispensable have a number of courses specifically tailored to your training and development needs including:

If you are a professional working within a local authority such as:


Award in Assessment of Licensed Premises (Social Responsibility) (AALP(SR))

Duration NEW ‘One Day Only’ Course (incl role play with professional actor)
A 2-unit qualification for prospective assessors of recognised award schemes such as Best Bar None. The AALP(SR) promotes best practice and consistency of assessment approach.

The BIIAB AALP(SR) covers two key subject areas:


  • Principles of Assessment
  • Legislative Requirements of Licensed Premises and the Assessment of Recognised Award Schemes

Feedback from Sheffield Drug & Alcohol Action Team June 2011

“The course was well paced and definitely one day is adequate to absorb the information. A very informative content and role play structured in such a way as to benefit the participants and not intimidate them. The trainer was excellent from first contact through to delivering the training. I feel more confident to assess and lead a group of assessors”. Helen Phillips, Alcohol Strategy and Commissioning Officer
Feedback from Sutton Police March 2011

“Very useful course throughout, the tutor made the course very enjoyable and informative”

“Role play was good for those who have not done the process before and an excellent opportunity to put into practice some of the issues discussed”

“The course has helped broaden my understanding of the licensed industry and helped clarify the work needed to to put the BEST BAR NONE SCHEME into place and make it professional and sucessful in Sutton”
For more details please call: 023 9234 5679

The Award for Licensing Practitioners (Alcohol) (ALPA)

Duration: One Day

  • Developed in conjunction with Local Authority Co-ordinators of Regulatory Services (LACORS)
  • Designed for Local Authority licensing officers, and those responsible for the administration of the Licensing Act 2003
  • Ensures those involved in the review and approval of personal and premises licences are aware of their roles and practice under the new law and the associated Guidance and Regulations


The ALPA is designed for local authority licensing officers, and other staff, such as police officers, fire officers and environmental health officers, involved in the administration of the Licensing Act 2003.


The BIIAB Level 2 ALPA gives a broad introduction to the process of licensing including:


  • The duties of a licensing authority
  • Applications and determination of a licence being granted
  • Hearing and appeal processes and procedures
  • The duties of applicants
  • The powers and rights of the relevant authorities to inspect licensed premises sanctions


The BIIAB Level 2 ALPA has been designed to be completed in one day and includes a short multiple-choice exam. A comprehensive handbook, presented in an easy-to-follow format, supports the qualification and covers all the information needed for the examination.


The Award for Licensing Practitioners (Gambling) (ALPG)

Duration: One Day

Enables Licensing Enforcement Officers with industry and licensing experience, working within Local Authorities to become proficient on the enforcement of the Gambling Act 2005


Gives an in-depth understanding of the law in relation to: personal licenses, premises licenses, operating licenses

The qualification will enable Licensing Enforcement Officers with industry and licensing experience, working within Local Authorities to become proficient on the enforcement of the Gambling Act 2005.


The BIIAB ALPG gives candidates a broad appreciation of:


Gambling, the licensing objectives, licensing authority duties and the Gambling Commission’s Guidance under the Gambling Act 2005 as well as a more in-depth understanding of the law in relation to:


  • Personal Licenses
  • Premises Licenses
  • Operating Licenses

This is what some of our clients have said about all of these courses…


“I am sure you are all aware of this course but thought I would pass on our experience. We recently ran the course for the majority of our licensing team and we were joined by a couple of police representatives. The feedback that I had was that the trainer was very knowledgeable, presented the information really well, gave everyone something to think of and everyone learnt a lot. Lots of questions and discussions afterwards. It is not often that you see staff so positive after a course, a real pleasure. The successful candidates had a score spread between 38 and 43 out of a maximum of 45. No I’m not on commission I promise – there is such a lack of licensing qualifications that it seemed sensible to let you know of the value of this one. ”


Mrs McSherry B Sc (Hons) Env. Health
Licensing Co-ordinator Bristol City Council

Feedback from delegates at ALPA Courses Held at Fountain, Stourbridge

“A thoroughly enjoyable and useful days learning, which will provide me until a substantial improvement in licensing knowledge”.


“I felt that the pre-course literature was very clear and informative. The venue for the course was superb. The style and delivery of the tutor was very professional and all questions raised by the group were answered. A very interesting and enjoyable day”.


“Very good day, clear and easy to understand, will recommend the course to others in my line of work”.


“Excellent course did with other practitioners and swapped experiences and problems”.

