This list came out of a focus group session we recently ran with experienced pub landlords. The task: ‘List a typical week and some of the days in the life of a devoted Publican’.
- Work out the staff rota
- Complete the wages sheet
- Fill in the tax forms
- Fill in the NI forms
- Fill the wages packets
- Put advert in for new bar staff
- Put advert in for new kitchen staff
- Replenish all cherries/cocktail sticks, etc
- Replenish all crisps/nuts, etc
- Check AWP machines/empty/replenish
- Let in food delivery/check temperatures etc
- Visit cash-and-carry, for supplies
- Light the fire
- Check merchandising messages
- Check Garden for mess, clean up
- Get Menu ready or agreed with Chef
- Let in wine and spirit delivery
- Let in soft drink delivery
- See BDM for meeting
- Take innumerable telephone calls/bookings, etc
- Meet bank manager/accountant/VAT person
- Let in ‘guest ale’ delivery
- See 12 different reps a day!!
- Let in bar staff (if they turn up!!)
- Wait for customers
- Start serving customers
- Check Fax orders for food
- Sort out regular issues in the toilets
- Take 20 telephone calls an hour
- Panic if the Chef throws a wobbly
- Ask ‘Fred’ to stop flicking his ash on the carpet
- Change kegs/casks as they run out
- Deal with unexpected visit from the EHO officer
- Go to the bank pay in/get change
- Deal with customer complaint about the sausages
- Talk to the Chef (carefully)
- Arrange matches for Darts/Quiz/Skittles, etc
- Prepare for a forthcoming rent review
- Make insurance claim for anything you can
- Deal with leak in the cellar/roof/bathroom
- Handle flack from customers when the price of beer increases
- Comply with all regulations at all times
- Stop a fight in the bar
- Try and understand some new legal guidelines
- Tell a telephone caller a white lie!
- Refuse a customer with a dog in the dining room
- Clean up the sick in the toilet
- Check the weekly stock-take results, panic if there is a short-fall, get the staff together and tell them “someone is fiddling” (carefully)
- Stop 6 of the lads arguing over the pool table
- Comfort Fred and Mary who are drowning their sorrows in gin and tonics over the loss of their budgie
- Deal with 6 different charities who want you to collect money for them
- Deal with PRS and PPL representatives
- Argue with SKY over the licence costs
- Worry if takings are too low
- Clean up some more sick
- Visit your competitors and see how they do it better
- Work out plans to grow the business
- Try and figure out the mechanics of the latest promotion the brewery want you to run
- Buy 10 dozen new glasses to replace broken ones
- Constantly go ‘the other side of the bar’ to converse with customers and monitor ‘naughties’
- Constantly clean up after customers leave
- Call time at 11.00 pm
- Finally plan to put your feet up for a night-cap
- Deal with those who want a bit of ‘afters’
- Repeatedly ask them to leave the premises without loosing your temper
Hey, don’t shoot the messenger!