Personal Licence Courses for the Hospitality Industry

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam maximus, sapien vitae dictum elementum, odio arcu venenatis lectus, et malesuada turpis turpis non est. Nulla sed metus id dui accumsan ullamcorper ut ut nisl. Phasellus ultricies magna et diam scelerisque eleifend. Duis hendrerit, ante vitae malesuada fringilla, nibh felis fringilla dolor, id sodales ante risus eleifend massa.

Nunc id ullamcorper tortor, sit amet sagittis augue. Nunc placerat, ante at lacinia tristique, risus sem vulputate nunc, at mollis odio libero a ligula. Maecenas lectus massa, hendrerit non mauris at, dapibus iaculis lacus.

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 2 reviews
 by A Gilbert on Hendon Personal Licence Courses

The tutor explained everything in a detailed way and answered any questions we had. The content was all very helpful and will help me further my knowledge in the job. Very helpful and informative and helped me answer some of the questions I would not have known.

 by K Gallagher on Hendon Personal Licence Courses

I have been on many courses over the years, and this was one of the best in the way it was delivered, structured and paced. Tutor was excellent and ensured candidates were clear in their knowledge in all modules before moving onto the next one. Content, IT and venue spot on. Thankyou
